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BSL at all levels

Sign Jam BSL works with everyone from complete beginners to expert signers. 

Deaf Awareness

If you want to know more about the Deaf community, or maybe you have a Deaf relative or colleague, this basic course will teach you Deaf awareness, easy but effective communication techniques and some simple signs in British Sign Language.

BSL Level One

On this BSL course for beginners, you'll learn to understand and use a limited range of simple words and sentences in BSL leading to a nationally-recognised level one qualification from the exam board Signature.​

BSL Level Two

​On our level two BSL course, you'll develop your signing to cover more topics and learn to have longer, more varied, conversations.  This course leads to a Signature level two qualification.

BSL Level Three

At level three, you'll learn how to use BSL in a range of work and social situations, and you'll learn more about the grammar and structure of the language, leading to a Signature level three qualification.

BSL Level Six

​Level six students will learn to use and understand complex BSL in all types of social and professional interaction.  This course leads to a Signature level six qualification.



If there's something you need to practice or you want a bit of extra tuition, you can book a one-to-one online tutorial.  The friendly and constructive tutorial will focus on whatever support you need.  Tutorials can be booked by anyone - you don't have to be a Sign Jam BSL student.

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